My name is Allie, and I am a graduate of the Visual Communication Design program at The Ohio State University. Some of my favorite areas of design are brand identity development, user experience & user interface, layout, and research. I've always been creative (but not quite artsy), good at math (but not passionate about it), and an intense perfectionist–design turned out to be just the right fit for me.
Outside of design, my greatest passion is a place called Mountain T.O.P.. It's a non-profit social impact organization in the Cumberland Plateau of Tennessee that works to eliminate substandard housing in the area through programs with youth and adult volunteers. I have been involved since 2015 and was a member of their summer staff for the last four years. Doing construction and living in a camp environment may not seem related to design, but I was privileged to learn and practice problem solving, project management, client interaction, leadership, teamwork, and communication during my time on summer staff. I also completed a term of service with AmeriCorps during the spring of 2024, during which I was able to combine my passion for design and Mountain T.O.P. by entirely redesigning the outdated Field Guide, a manual that tells volunteers how to complete standard construction projects.